On May 20, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Jon Elson wrote:

> Jeshua Lacock wrote:
>> Actually, I really have only been using open-loop mode.
> Since we had confusion here, open loop means LinuxCNC does not see movement
> when you move the motors.

Hi Jon,

That is correct.

>> But as soon as I try closed loop mode, I get a ton of noise and the drive is 
>> super jittery. It starts nearly stable but seems to run away until it 
>> faults. When I say run away it becomes increasingly jittery.
> So, reduce P, and reduce I and D proportionally.  You can reduce P to 
> 1.0 and I and D to zero
> to start out, and then increase P just until you get movement.  Make 
> sure it is moving the right
> way to null out error, then increase P in modest steps until you get 
> controlled movement.
> Error will remain a bit large at this point.  Then, increase P until you 
> get some vibrations,
> and add a bit of D to improve stability.

Thank you so much for this! I was starting with the default settings in the 
.ini file.

Putting these numbers in immediately made the drive stable - even in closed 
loop which is now what I am tuning.

I was able to get the P up to 150. I can add some D, but it seems that it only 
makes the drive more jittery without decreasing the error.

Can you tell me what exactly is the goal? Do I want the P as high was possible 
while keeping it stable? In other words, why not just leave P at 50 or 100 and 
be done with it?

> And, it may be that you are having feedback from the G320 drive's PWM 
> outputs to
> the encoder cables.  This may be what is causing the "increasingly 
> jittery" effect.
> Do you have shielded encoder cables?

Yes. Do the shields need to be grounded to be useful?

> Are you using US Digital encoders that
> are known to be noise sensitive?  

Not on this first axis I am trying to tune. It is a Renco. My other two axises 
are US Digital, but those will be replaced by CUI AMT102 encoders when I get 
around to installing the new much more powerful motors for the other 2 axises.

> You may need to use shielded motor power
> cables as well.  The G320 has no filtering on the outputs, so whatever your
> DC supply voltage is, that is being chopped at 20 KHz by the G320, producing
> ~70 V pulses with 100 ns risetime edges continuously on the motor wires.
> That's why I put an LC filter on the output of all my drives to prevent this
> type of interference.

I just went ahead and ordered some differential encoder/decoders just to be 
safe. Due to the size of the machine they are pretty long cables, I would guess 
around 15 feet.

Also, I routed my motor power lines as separately as I could. My encoders exit 
the machine on the left side and the power on the right.

>> The sample .ini file uses two different values for 2 different axises.
>> When you say low P settings, what would you start with? And what I and D is 
>> good to start with?
>> Also, what would you consider small steps to increase for P, I and D?
> You can go as low as 1.0 for P, and zero for I and D.  You can leave I 
> zero all the time, but
> as you raise P, you will need some D.  Too much D can be disastrous.  It 
> takes instantaneous
> following error and compares it to the following error last servo 
> period.  This can have
> large fluctuations due to the position quantization of the encoder PLUS 
> the time
> quantization (sampling) of the encoder reading.  So, there is a HUGE 
> amount of noise
> in this D term at 1/2 the sampling rate.  So, you want to use just 
> enough D to help
> smooth out the response.  I usually increase D by 20% steps when I don't 
> know what
> to expect, and maybe 50% when I have a good idea where I will run into 
> instability.
> Have the E-stop button handy.  Don't worry about I during tuning, it has 
> minimal
> effect on stability.  D is more sensitive.  I typically find D needs to 
> be between 5 - 10%
> of P, not sure if this number applies as much to the G320/USC setups.
> A rough set of number I use when testing the Gecko Interface board with an

What is the goal with I once P and D are good?

> old G320 drive and small motor is :
> MAX_VELOCITY =                  1.20
> MAX_ACCELERATION =              20.0
> PID_MAX_VEL =              1.25
> BACKLASH = 0.000
> INPUT_SCALE =                   4000
> OUTPUT_SCALE = 1.000
> MIN_LIMIT =                     -10.0
> MAX_LIMIT =                     10.0
> FERROR = 0.0100
> MIN_FERROR = 0.05
> DEADBAND =                         0.0007
> P =                              200
> I =                              2
> D =                                5
> BIAS =                             0
> FF0 =                              0
> FF1 =                              1.2
> FF2 =                              0.0045

Interesting, I can't seem to get D anywhere near that high. With P at 150 or 
200, it gets real jittery with a D of over 0.5.

>> When the error spikes, wouldn't that also indicate that it needs more gain 
>> and or damping?
> If the drive has suddenly run out of torque (current limit) or voltage 
> (hit the DC supply
> voltage) there will be a sharp discontinuity.  No amount of tuning can 
> fix either of these
> conditions, they are noit control loop issues, but speed/power issues 
> due to the power
> stage maxing out.  You should never set up the system so that it hits 
> either of these
> limits in normal operation.  They represent a sharp discontinuity of the 
> mechanical
> response of the motor/machine slide, and will necessarily sharply upset any
> attempt of the control loop to keep things smooth, as the system has 
> effectively
> gone open-loop.

I see. So when I am tuning, I should start out with a modest acceleration 
factor, then bump it up until I see a spike?

>> Note that I am using pulleys and timing belts for all my axises except for 
>> the Z.
>> I see. Currently my main gantry moves about 2 inches for one motor rotation 
>> (which is geared 4:1). I just ordered Kelling's 5:1 planetary gear which 
>> would make it geared 20:1 with the current pinion (12 tooth) or 10:1 with a 
>> 24 tooth pinion...
> OK, that is not geared down very much.  I'm much more familiar with 
> metal-cutting machines,
> on my Bridgeport mill the motor turns 7.5 times per inch.  On my 
> minimill, the motor
> turns 64 times per inch, which is probably too high a reduction, but it 
> works with pretty
> weak motors.

Yeah, I think the 5:1 gear box will get me somewhere in the same neighborhood 
as your Bridgeport. 

My motor is definitely not weak though it is a 1125 oz-in Peak 90V/40A.

Besides much more torque, I will be getting much better resolution. Just 
dithering I am currently at 0.002+ inch, and currently when I rapid I am 
getting an error of around 0.01. I think when I gear it down I could get that 
closer to 0.001...

Thanks again! You really got me feeling much better about tuning it went from 
scary to feeling like I am almost in command now!


Jeshua Lacock
3DTOPO Incorporated
Phone: 208.462.4171

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