On May 27, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Jon Elson wrote:

> Jeshua Lacock wrote:
>> Then, just to see what might happen, I cut the encoder ground connected to 
>> the encoder shield, and it looks like (preliminary speaking) it no longer 
>> faults out.
> This seems to indicate that the encoder shield was grounded to the wrong 
> place.  So, noise
> coupled to this ground was flowing somewhere and interfering with 
> something.  This practice
> of electromagnetic compatibility and noise reduction is widely viewed as 
> an "art"
> rather than a "science", because in any complex system the number of 
> possible ground paths
> becomes mathematically intractable.

Hi Jon,


>> The drive is dithering at 0.0003 - 0.0006 with the worst spike now at 
>> 0.0012. Now even when it gets a "spike", it returns to the proper position 
>> (unlike before with the 0.02+ spikes). Interestingly, it seems to act the 
>> identically when I hook the earth ground up to the shield. So I guess I will 
>> use the earth ground for the shield (thanks Gene!).
>> Do those numbers seem reasonable? One encoder pulse is 0.0003 on this axis. 
>> Would tuning the PID help with the "spikes"? Currently I only have P set to 
>> 100 and I and D to 0….
> Sure, .0012 is 4 encoder counts.  First, there shouldn't be spikes, but 
> gentle bumps of
> +/- 1 encoder count or maybe two.  So, you need to find out what is 
> causing these
> spikes.  is the G320- servo loop responding to noise or encoder counts 
> and jumping
> too far?  Or, is LinuxCNC's PID sensing the normal dithering of the G320 and
> trying too hard to compensate for it?  This could be hard to parse, as 
> you can't
> view what the G320 is doing, you can only see what the PID is doing.
> However, you can view pid.0.output, ppmc.0.encoder.0.delta and pid.0.error
> on the same trace, and wait for one of these spikes.  Then, zoom way in
> so you can see the individual servo cycles (that is the sampling rate of the
> Halscope data) and you should be able to see if the pid.0.output is
> RESPONDING to to spike, or the CAUSE of the spike.  If there is no
> significant PID output one cycle before the spike, then it is the G320
> that caused it, and checking tuning of the G320 is what you need to do.
> Probably turn down the gain pot and let the PID handle it.

I captured a big spike event (16 encoder counts!), but for the life of me, I 
cannot figure which came first (the seem to be at the same instant?). I have 
two screen captures online, 1 so you can see the whole event and the second 
zoomed in as far as possible at the beginning of the event:


> If the pid.0.output IS jumping a cycle before the spike occurs, then
> you might want to work with P and D mostly, and possibly also see
> if a little bit of DEADBAND helps.  I usually find that adding a
> DEADBAND equal to 1.5 x the encoder resolution reduces the
> annoying dithering.  Add too much and you introduce a discontinuity
> in the servo response, and this can be destabilizing.

Yes, deadband did help remove most of the jitter I was experiencing, so I 
started trying to tune the P and D (again!) - but I think I might have made the 
"spikes" worse.

Can I hire you to VNC on the machine while I have you on the phone? I think if 
I watched you tune one drive I would learn a great deal. 


Jeshua Lacock
3DTOPO Incorporated
Phone: 208.462.4171

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