I have two G540 units. One of them refuses to step on the Y channel when 
the step rate is below 110Hz. If the step rate is slowly lowered the 
stepping stops very cleanly at 110 Hz. This is not affected by step 
pulse length.
I communicated with Geckdrive about this and it was a suspected fault in 
the MB of the G540.
I was offered to send the G540 for repair but I never did out of 
laziness, I could live with only three live channels.

> I have a stepper based mill that I have reconfigured to use a Gecko G540.
> Stepper motors rated 3A, with the G540 resistor setup, I'm using a 2.2k
> resistor, giving 2.2A. Power supply is 43v. (48 v switcher, tuned down to
> 43v because that's the voltage the G540 docs say to use with the inductance
> of these motors)
> It can run all day back and forth, always hitting "0", at speeds like up to
> 1,000 MM/min, and faster.
> When I try 5mm/min, the machine is fine. 2mm/min and it's fine, too, but at
> about 1mm/min, the machine misses steps. Or, will not step at all.
> I have the system apart, and have the ability to tweak the G540 trim pots,
> and no matter what I do, I can't get the machine to step at about 2mm/min
> or slower.
> Should I be able to? I assume so - otherwise arcs and other slight angles
> would not be CNC machinable.
> Help/comments/guidance requested.
> John A. Stewart.
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