On 11/25/2013 02:47 PM, Anders Wallin wrote:
> I have a feeling many of these CAD/CAM things require more knowledge than
> fits in the average open-source developers brain.

I would not quite put it like that. There are some brilliant people out
there. Not all will perform equally on all subjects. As they say, YMMV.

The problem is to get the right minds interested into the "right"
projects ;-)

> the code for my efforts is at:
> https://github.com/aewallin/libcutsim

Ok, I'll take a look. That is not to say that my brain can fit the
N-dimensional world with all associated tricks. But I can try and ask,
at least, stupid questions.

> *your* help/patches is required with:
> - use of the linuxcnc g-code interpreter (through c++ or python). I don't
> think it makes sense to write a new g-code interpreter. Would it make sense
> to package the interpreter library into a separate .deb package, if there
> are other 'clients' than just linuxcnc?

That would be a good idea. The rs274 binary could be used as a front-end
for many other things too. But I guess that would be a matter for the
emc-develop list and a patch in that direction.

> - GUI and 3D view based on polygon-arrays and vertex-arrays (I've used VTK,
> but something lower-level and faster might be better). I would suggest Qt
> for the GUI but opinions will differ..

Qt is "easy" in comparison to all other toolkits, so, yes, a good option.
The question would be if it is possible to integrate it into an existing
viewer, or take an existing code-frame of reference.

> - multi-threading so that the GUI remains responsive and the 3D view of the
> model updates while the simulation-engine runs

Details of implementation; but still a consideration.

> - actual updates/improvements to the cutting-simulation engine:
> -- support for different shapes of cutters
> -- support for other G-codes than G1
> -- data-structure and algorithm changes for e.g. Dual Contouring or one of
> the other improved isosurface extraction algorithms
> The README file lists a few references which explain most of the background.
> I will try to help and explain how the code works to anyone asking even
> semi-intelligent questions.

I'll take your word for it and try to ask "semi-intelligent" questions
when I get there ;-)

Greetings Bertho

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