On Wednesday 21 May 2014 03:13:10 Steve Blackmore did opine
And Gene did reply:
> On Tue, 20 May 2014 23:39:28 -0400, you wrote:
> >Greetings docs maintainers;
> >
> >I expect those interactions were expected to be self-evident by the
> >guru's, but from the docs, its not all that well explained.
> Hi Gene - I've never used the G76 in Linuxcnc but it certainly looks
> different to the Mach version. Never really used that either apart from
> testing. I prefer using G33 (G32 in Mach). I do use CAM so it's easy
> for me to control it more precisely and not rely on how somebody else
> thinks it should be done.
> Steve Blackmore
> --

I just the other day, used G33 in a g76 like cycle to make the tapered 
thread and nut that grabs the X screw, which looks like its going to work 
well, with no glue needed.  And now that I have synthesized a stop till 
stopped on a direction change in my record setting, longest ever .hal 
file, I can also use g33.1 for rigid tapping.

But there is a potential broken tap gotcha! If in the slowdown & stop 
phase, Z (following in sync with the spindle), passes the -limit setup in 
the .ini, Z stops instantly while the chuck is still coasting to a stop, 
and then picks it back up as it comes back past the limit in the reversing 
move. I haven't broken a tap, but as I've reported before, I have seen it 
do it while cutting air quite a few times.

Since lcnc has no clue about the ballistics of the reverse, and therefore 
cannot predict the over travel, I'm not sure there can be a fix for that 
other than setting the -limit well into the chuck.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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