Well it seems to work I got something like a frying sound and machining half of 
the time with shors and opens.

> Nicklas
> regarding 'start of period to count'
> there is a concept in EDM that was branded ISOpuls and more genericly 
> iso-energetic
> it is a method concerning WHEN to begin the on-time count.
> to make each spark have same energy
> the duration of current flow must be equal
> so a circuit to detect the drop from OpenVoltage to DischargeVolatge is used
> to trigger the timer for on time.

I detect the drop from openvoltage to discharge voltage but are not totally 
sure where to put the limit. I assume it must be above the seat otherwise pulse 
may be elongenated.

> ...
> tap water, de-ionized water, thin automotive oil (0-5-10W)  and kerosene 
> all work fine

I will give outomotive oil a try to.

> i used peanut oil once for a medical application where the fda claimed 
> the oil based fluid contaminated the recast layer.

Nut allergy?

> you do use a fairly open voltage (60-80V=) so that will make the oil 
> quality more important

Open voltage is a little bit above 100 volt.

> if you refer to the previous pdf files you will see the researchers 
> BEGIN counting on-time
> when the voltage drops

I used this I designed hardware and software.

> can you see any sparks?

Barely but I could hear the frying sound and could see voltage in the halscope 
is at seat value about half of the time. Maybe the oil have become to dirty and 
hide the sparks.

> 10 ma at 150 was used in AGie L series generator for a decade, so you 
> are not far off

I had a 1:10 transformer and a 12V servo motor so I ended a little bit above 
100 volt. Will try to find something else or wind myself to get 150 volt.

> i do not understand the 'spark extinguishing voltage' could you say this 
> another way?

Yes below 12 volt current is turned off.

> the ratio of ignitions to attempts to ignite can be a measure of efficiency
> ( and an indication of the correctness and stability of the edm servo 
> tracking )

I try to ignite until successful. Timer is reset then ignited detected by 
voltage falling to ionization voltage then on and off times are counted. I 
could measure time until ignited, open voltage, seat voltage, current.

Your help been really useful. Hopefully I will be able to provide useful 
contribution to linuxcnc rather soon.

Nicklas Karlsson

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