> Sounds like its the -H I'd want too. More conserving of horizontal real
> estate.  And while I'm not going to add yet another potential loose
> connection to the home switch setup, these bobs I have have such poor
> terminals that I will cobble up a distribution point for all the stuff
> that needs 5 volts. 2 bobs and 2 points on the opto so far as 5 volt
> loads. As for home/limits, these cheap bobs, intended for a Mach system,
> already have pullups so all they'll have to do is pull to ground with a
> microswitch.
> Thanks Danny, for calling that board to my attention.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett
Some FYI-

Mesa cards use a 3.3v FPGA, but you can enable a bidirectional bus 
switch which can convert to "mostly" 5v IO, but it's not a true 5v.

Also ALL IO has pullup resistors on the Mesa, which only have an effect 
as inputs.  Outputs are not open-collector, they're driven, but a bus 
switch's driven "high" is less than the 5v Vdd.

This worked quite well for me.  The AM882H has 5v opto-isolated IO, with 
integral resistors (so it's gotta be 5v to generate specified opto drive 
current), and they didn't common the anode or cathode. The 
step/dir/enable I fed by tying the anodes to 5v and the cathodes to the 
Mesa IO pin because drive-low is definitely 0v but drive-high isn't 
quite 5v.

And the IO is just pulldown.  My board's got a  bunch of optoisolators 
and their outputs are just pulldowns against the Mesa inputs' built-in 
pullups- which is simple.

BTW, about "loose connectors"-  this ferrule stuff CHANGED MY LIFE on 



Seriously, it's amazing.  I learned not to trust stranded-on-clamps.  
Strands fray and short, they break, they work out strand-by-strand.  And 
having to rework it damages the wire. I've tinned stranded wire in the 
past, only to have it get loose later and wires fell out, and Googled 
this- most people say "never tin, it's too soft and gets loose and your 
wire falls out".  Oh. Kay.

This stuff is cheap and quick, it makes a 100% solid strain-relieved 
bond.  Phoenix connectors hold them easily and they never let go.

Use that 4-jaw tool, NOT the 6, if they're going in clamp connectors.  
Only 2 surfaces get used, so square maximizes the surface area that gets 

I showed this stuff to my hacker buds and they were all "OMG where has 
this been all my life???"


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