On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 6:54 AM, Stephen Dubovsky <smdubov...@gmail.com>

> Indeed support is VERY useful.  There are many more ARM forums (and
> professional users) then Arduino.

That is an odd thing to say because Arduino is moving to ARM.

Tool chains used to be such a big deal.  Mostly what you'd be invested in
was the tools.  One never learns a chip, you learn the tools used by that
family of chips.   Then after coming up to speed you don't really want to
go through that again.   But we are seeing a convergence of tools.   There
is Arduino that now works for both AVR and ARM.   Eclipse is universal and
the GNU tool chain is much the same on an ARM M3 as it is one my Apple
iMac, it's just a GNU C compiler.  So "moving to ARM" can be very
transparent.    Almost all my AVR code runs on ARM.

Back in the days of propriety programers and propriety development
environments switching chips was hard.  Not so any more

I agree it was the licensing model that case ARM to take over.


Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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