I will be happy to do that.  Did you notice any other discrepancies with the 
man page.  It was a shot from the hip in a way since I am trying to learn and 
document at the same time.  :-)


----- On Apr 6, 2017, at 11:33 AM, Sebastian Kuzminsky s...@highlab.com wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 06, 2017 at 11:25:06AM -0500, Joe Hildreth wrote:
>> I probably should correct that and resubmit it, yes?  Thanks for
>> reading it, hind-sight being 20/20 and all, I probably should have
>> asked you to look it over before submitting it.
> No problem.  It's already a solid step forward, and iterating is how we
> make things better.
> Update your local linuxcnc git clone, then make a new commit that fixes
> the issue, and make another PR and one of us will merge it.
> Ask here or on IRC if any of that is unclear.
> --
> Sebastian Kuzminsky

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