On 04.06.17 02:07, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Sunday 04 June 2017 01:46:57 Erik Christiansen wrote:
> > Dunno how you keep going if the B12 goes low, though. Is it the
> > sub-lingual pill, as the others mostly go straight through with
> > minimal absorption? Since switching to the under-the-tongue pills,
> > I've not needed B12 jabs.
> I've been washing those down with half a 8 oz glass of water. Big pale 
> red chalky looking pill I haven't bothered to taste.  I just know I need 
> it. :)

Medicos here insist that there's inadequate B12 absorption from tablets
in the gut, and so I had intramuscular injections for a while. But
absorption directly into the bloodstream, from an appropriate tablet
allowed to dissolve under the tongue, is a more convenient alternative
which I find to work as claimed.


> Thanks for the reminder about the mag, Erik, its a reminder I needed.

No worries. Now to remind myself to take the vit. D tablets, as it
apparently help somewhat to stave off dementia. ;-)

(Whose limited vegetarian diet can make a little targeted
supplementation worthwhile.)

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