> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicklas Karlsson [mailto:nicklas.karlsso...@gmail.com]
> Sent: October-10-17 12:36 PM
> To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] MachineKit on the BeagleBone Black
> On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 12:04:17 -0700
> Chris Albertson <albertson.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > When peole find the Python is slow, general it is because they are
> > abusing Python and trying to use it as if it were C by doing things
> > like writing "for loops" over a list.  Then of course there is always
> > the Python compeer that does translate Python to C.
> I read some python code. Variables and objects had neither types nor any
> comments. I found it hard to figure out which variables and functions
> available for objects. Then I use typed languages like C or C++ this is
not a
> problem and in modern editors I could get a list to chose from. Some
> have really good type checking so for example range of numbers is known
> using variable.

Python is just plain slow.  There are lots of benchmarks that demonstrate
just how slow it is.  

I think though, there is definitely an issue with the graphical side of the
screen on a Beagle compared to a Pi3 for example.  Loading an identical copy
of Lazarus (Pascal like Delphi 5) takes almost twice as along on the Beagle.
Compiling a simple main window with dialog box example on both systems takes
pretty well twice as long on a Beagle.  Loading the compiled program takes
twice as long on the Beagle.

Once could say it's due to the dual core on the Pi3 but remember the
development environment has to actually take advantage of all that in order
to make it work and I'm not sure it does.

The key difference between the Pi3 and the Beagle is the X Window graphical
interface is different.  I suspect the authors of the Pi have looked at
their target market (which is now way bigger than the Beagle I believe) and
done what is needed to make the Pi operate as smoothly as a Windows PC that
most Pi users have experience with.  Helps sell Raspberries.

I suspect the desire to do that for the Beagle isn't there so it always
feels more antiquated using it compared to using the Pi.

A long time ago I told a programmer friend of mine that I wanted to do a
specific task in Turbo Pascal for Windows.  (This was in the 80's).   His
first response was "It can't be done" and he had a number of reasons.  I
didn't believe him so I wrote a program with the main function taking up
about one page.  I then showed it to him with the claim. "See it can be

He promptly took my code and cut it down in size to 1/3rd to accomplish the
same thing.  He was very good at this sort of thing.  From that I learned
something interesting that hasn't been proved wrong yet.  First,
programmers, like myself, are lazy and it's easier to say it can't be done
or something to that effect.  I now interpret "It can't be done" as "I
haven't given it any thought, I'm not sure how to do it and really I have
other things I'd rather do".

My friend, Ian MacKay and I worked together on a number of projects over the
years culminating in the 2010 Olympic Rings project where he wrote the
Delphi Show software for my embedded controller and custom lights.  I miss
him. May he reset in peace.  He never did get to see the double ring set we
did but the code he wrote was easy to modify to handle 1500 lights as two
sets of rings and also incorporate 3rd party light show software.  He was
I'm therefore suspicious of claims that a 1GHz Beagle isn't fast enough.


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