On 4/12/2018 6:09 AM, andy pugh wrote:
On 11 April 2018 at 15:30, David Berndt <ber...@uberwin.com> wrote:

I'm looking to output about 1000lbf in a linear direction via a crank/slider
or ballscrew with peak speed of about 1m/s.
Have you considered hydraulics? (Or possibly even pneumatics).

Hydraulics can be pretty quick with a servo-valve cylinder.
For example.
Admittedly the hydraulic ring main at work that runs our 4 of these
rigs has 20  x  50hp pumps in parallel!
If he had a hydraulic accumulator he could get by with a small pump, assuming the duty cycle of this machine will allow the pump to pump up the accumulator between moves.    But nothing hydraulic is cheap unless it is bought surplus, then sometimes it is almost given away.

What is the total distance of the move?   It can't be very far if you are considering a crank and slide.  (unless the crank is huge).


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