On 10/19/2018 10:15 AM, Peter Blodow wrote:
I haven't got any mail from this list since Oct.10th.  How come?

I'm finished building CNC equipment (are they ever completely finished?) and am now gainfully employed using LinuxCNC to make products for sale in a small online business.  I just set my brother up with a 24" X 49" heavy duty LinuxCNC router in his garage and he's shipping his first products in the next couple of days.  I wrote a lot of hand coded G code over the summer to make that happen, along with building production jigs and fixture plates.

I love automation.  I have some programs that run for seven hours, making several hundred parts while I'm asleep.  I've only recently been reaping the benefits of CNC.  There was a lengthy phase when I wasn't saving much time with unattended CNC machining because I'd just stand there staring at the CNC machining while thinking, "This is so cool."

I'm already looking forward to my next LinuxCNC project.  It feels like small business is my excuse to justify my geeky aspirations and CNC addiction.

Huge thanks to those who made LinuxCNC the incredible tool it is today.

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