On Friday 15 March 2019 13:43:42 Chris Albertson wrote:

> When I had a coolant tank, for a different purpose, I put automatic
> "anti freeze in the water.   It is make just for this purpose and is
> non-corrosive with materials used in car engines.
> Also, if the water recirculates it will eventually warm up.  I put a
> 12 volt fan on the tank lid and made it into an evaporative cooler.   
> Then you top off the tank with new water now and then.  If the water
> is taking even 25 watts of heat from the system it will heat up quite
> a lot unless you rig some kind of cooling.

And I think this pump draws at least 45 watts. So ATM the running pump is 
the major heat src.  I have a good sized (6") rotron fan I'll find a 
cord for, and probably hook it up to the pump relay to let it blow at a 
corner of the plastic tank. Good excuse for a long timeout on the 
shutdown. ;-)

Then I need to find/make an ice cream or dishwasher pod tub holder to 
park the mister's src coolant suction hose in, just low enough on the 
side of the gantry to not be self siphoning. Lots less (in theory but 
see Yogi Berra's take on that :) tangled hose to worry about if it moves 
with the gantry. Besides that, the suction hose isn't long enough to put 
it in the drag chain beyond the X chain. I think its long enough for 
that...  If not, its spliceable.

And get me a gallon of mix base to mix into a pint of coolant a teaspoon 
at a time. There's no such thing locally, been looking already, so 
fleabay it is. Kool Mist, $45/gallon/w/free ship.  Ouch.  It seems there 
is also a kool fog, but its made for stage and theater fog generators. 
I'd imagine they don't sub for each other at all, but its only 

Thanks Chris.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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