Hi Andy,

> > On 1 Jun 2019, at 21:22, John Dammeyer <jo...@autoartisans.com> wrote:
> >
> > Really too bad it's not compatible with MACH3 too. At least I can't find
> anything that says it is.
> I don�t know why nobody has written Mach3 drivers for any Mesa cards. It
> ought to be fairly straightforward.

One would think so.  Although since MACH3 isn't really supported anymore since 
it doesn't earn income I can see that the MACH people are more interested in 
flogging their "call home software for licence"  MACH4.

The potential market as WIN-XP systems die, for a straight across port to 
LinuxCNC, seems to me to be really large.  And in fact, I'd take a guess that 
if someone cloned the MACH3 user interface so it had the look and feel of MACH3 
but ran with a newer PC and say that 7192 there'd be a fair number of people 
that would change.  

But I don’t think it would happen instantly.  I know of at least 10 people who 
are running MACH3.  Perfectly happy with it.  See no reason for a new learning 
curve as opposed to making chips.  But once their PC dies and they have trouble 
getting WIN-XP to run on new hardware.  It's a different story.


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