On 1/21/23 06:25, Robin Szemeti via Emc-users wrote:
So,  in a vaguely CNC related folly I have purchased a 2 axis military dish
mount for radio stuff (moonbounce, if you must know)

My plan is to control it from EMC, with a Mesa anything io card and the
resolver interface, I already have various Mesa cards under EMC, so thats
not an issue and I have a spare 5i23 PCI card and the isolated IO duaghter
card, so with the resolver card I should be able to uses the resolvers, and
pick up the limit switches on the IO card. I can just use some Python
script to work out the moon position and generate "G1 X285.4, Y23.8" or
whatever MDI motion commands every 15 seconds or so to track the moon,  not
a problem.

Now, the question is driving the two phase AC servos.   Generating vast
quantities of 50 or 400Hz or whatever AC for the drives is simple enough, I
can just use a couple of large Class D amplifiers, no worries. Generating
the AC low level signals to drive these .... basically, it needs a constant
50Hz signal on one coil of a fixed level, and a variable level sine wave on
the other coil, at either +90 or -90 degrees depending on which way it
needs to go.

Is it possible to use HAL or something to generate the variable level 50Hz
servo drive signals and output them from the PWM outputs on the resolver

I've not used it in that context, but take a look at man 9 siggen. There are several mux's available that could be used to switch motor directions. Its main use is in 1 kilohertz loop stuff for linuxcnc, but if you need finer time resolution, should be happy in a 3 to 5 kilohertz threads Use a halmeter to see how much time the individual module takes.

Hal can do a lot, look the logic choices over in /usr/share/man/man9 of an linuxcnc install and let your imagination out to play w/o a chaperone. You can use float vars at a 1 or even 4 kilohertz loop thread, so updating a motor drive at 50HZ ought to be doable.

For motor amps, take a look at class D audio amps, the 400 watt modules are rather commonplace these days, running at ultrasonic carrier frequencies. Use chokes to keep the carrier out of the motor wires, and good single point(one bolt) grounds.

Use mux's for analog switches.

Using modern stepper drives that have current limits built in, you can creep steppers along at .01 hz a second, and if you spend the sheckels for the closed loop stepper/servo's suitably geared down, you ought to be able to track the moons motion within an arcsecond in real time and do it on 40 watts of power or less since they use the error to determine how hard to drive the motor. The recovery time when it goes below the horizon and has to pre-aim at the other horizon for when the moon comes back in sight at next moonrise is a problem since the active times match the dead times pretty closely.

I've not paid that much attention but from satellite experience, you likely need just a little azimuth, even for polar mounts, your latitude above or below the equator determines that, and a large longitude.

I have an old friend from back in the 70's that at that time was building a 12 bay steerable 2 meter get up. 16 element yagi's in a broadside array. But another job opening took me to NM from NE so I lost track of him. Employment brought me to WV 38 years ago, and I'm now 21 years retired, and still here.

And tell us how you did it when it working.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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