That looks like a useful module ... sine for one of the coils, cosine for
the other, and simply multiply the cosine signal by the servo drive signal
+1 goes one direction, -1 goes the other and anything in between is just
slower ...

I have a company that manufactures audio amps, driver stages won't be a

Just got to do some testing of the resolvers and decide which version of
the Mesa hard to order, I think these resolvers output 2 x the input
voltage, so I probably need the HV version, but we'll see.

This will be used on the 10GHz band, with about 400W from a travelling wave
tube .... there are good Python modules for moon position data, 'skyfield'
is the best of the bunch, I need roughly +- 1 degree precision, with just a
position update every 30 seconds or so .. the move doesnt move that fast. A
good resolver should easily be able to get within 0.5 degrees ...

I'll let you know how it pans out.

On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 at 00:57, gene heskett <> wrote:

> On 1/21/23 06:25, Robin Szemeti via Emc-users wrote:
> > So,  in a vaguely CNC related folly I have purchased a 2 axis military
> dish
> > mount for radio stuff (moonbounce, if you must know)
> >
> > My plan is to control it from EMC, with a Mesa anything io card and the
> > resolver interface, I already have various Mesa cards under EMC, so thats
> > not an issue and I have a spare 5i23 PCI card and the isolated IO
> duaghter
> > card, so with the resolver card I should be able to uses the resolvers,
> and
> > pick up the limit switches on the IO card. I can just use some Python
> > script to work out the moon position and generate "G1 X285.4, Y23.8" or
> > whatever MDI motion commands every 15 seconds or so to track the moon,
> not
> > a problem.
> >
> > Now, the question is driving the two phase AC servos.   Generating vast
> > quantities of 50 or 400Hz or whatever AC for the drives is simple
> enough, I
> > can just use a couple of large Class D amplifiers, no worries. Generating
> > the AC low level signals to drive these .... basically, it needs a
> constant
> > 50Hz signal on one coil of a fixed level, and a variable level sine wave
> on
> > the other coil, at either +90 or -90 degrees depending on which way it
> > needs to go.
> >
> > Is it possible to use HAL or something to generate the variable level
> 50Hz
> > servo drive signals and output them from the PWM outputs on the resolver
> > card?
> >
> I've not used it in that context, but take a look at man 9 siggen.
> There are several mux's available that could be used to switch motor
> directions. Its main use is in 1 kilohertz loop stuff for linuxcnc, but
> if you need finer time resolution, should be happy in a 3 to 5 kilohertz
> threads Use a halmeter to see how much time the individual module takes.
> Hal can do a lot, look the logic choices over in /usr/share/man/man9 of
> an linuxcnc install and let your imagination out to play w/o a
> chaperone.  You can use float vars at a 1 or even 4 kilohertz loop
> thread, so updating a motor drive at 50HZ ought to be doable.
> For motor amps, take a look at class D audio amps, the 400 watt modules
> are rather commonplace these days, running at ultrasonic carrier
> frequencies. Use chokes to keep the carrier out of the motor wires, and
> good single point(one bolt) grounds.
> Use mux's for analog switches.
> Using modern stepper drives that have current limits built in, you can
> creep steppers along at .01 hz a second, and if you spend the sheckels
> for the closed loop stepper/servo's suitably geared down, you ought to
> be able to track the moons motion within an arcsecond in real time and
> do it on 40 watts of power or less since they use the error to determine
> how hard to drive the motor. The recovery time when it goes below the
> horizon and has to pre-aim at the other horizon for when the moon comes
> back in sight at next moonrise is a problem since the active times match
> the dead times pretty closely.
> I've not paid that much attention but from satellite experience, you
> likely need just a little azimuth, even for polar mounts, your latitude
> above or below the equator determines that, and a large longitude.
> I have an old friend from back in the 70's that at that time was
> building a 12 bay steerable 2 meter get up. 16 element yagi's in a
> broadside array. But another job opening took me to NM from NE so I lost
> track of him. Employment brought me to WV 38 years ago, and I'm now 21
> years retired, and still here.
> And tell us how you did it when it working.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett.
> --
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>   soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
> If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
>   - Louis D. Brandeis
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