On 7/4/23 08:03, Gregg Eshelman via Emc-users wrote:
Caligari trueSpace can import STL and it can save to a wide range of formats.

However, it hasn't had any official support since Microsoft bought Caligari to 
position trueSpace as a competitor to Google's Sketchup. (I call it Messup 
because I've seen some of the worst geometry ever made by people using 
Sketchup.) Google had Sketchup for people to use to populate Google Earth with 
3D models of buildings. Microsoft whipped up Virtual Earth... and nobody cared. 
People weren't stepping up to voluntarily use the free version of Sketchup to 
make 3D stuff for Google Earth either.

Microsoft quickly swept trueSpace under the digital rug, left the site for it 
unchanged for a while until they got around to deleting it. Lots of people 
grabbed the free downloads and some patches and other things have been made. 
There's a ton of tSx plugins available for free, including many formerly 
commercial ones. Most tSx for version 6.x and some for 5.x will work but most 
for older versions won't.

One glitch that nobody has fixed yet is when importing some 3D file formats it 
scales the mesh down to make the largest axis, X, Y, or Z, exactly 8 units of 
whichever is the currently selected unit in the workspace. With STL I load up 
the model in a slicer to get the proper XYZ sizes then scale up to match in 
trueSpace then save a copy in its native COB format.

I always save in COB (frequently! it appends an auto-incremented number to the 
file names) and export to STL. Exports of the formats it supports are fine. 
It's just importing it has the size issue with. Would have been so nice if 
Microsoft hadn't killed it by buying the company. I've used every trueSpace 
version since 2.2a so I'm used to its oddities it inherited by originally being 
an Amiga program.

If you want to give it a whirl there are a few versions of 7.x here 
I use 6.6 since the Model Side of 7.x is essentially version 6.6 and I never 
could get into the new 7.x Workspace. It's so different from 2.x through 6.6. 
Hmmm, I don't remember if Workspace side has the size issue with importing.

No thanks for the link Greg, every button on that page leads to a porno dl with no exit buttons in sight. Its been compromised, probably by M$.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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