Maybe use analog inputs and outputs and hook them up to a custom Python HAL
component that handles the serialization for storing between sessions?

Those hook into the motion.analog-in-## and motion.analog-out-## HAL pins.


On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 11:50 AM Todd Zuercher via Emc-users <> wrote:

> I would like to create a few persistent global named parameters.  I want
> to be able to set and read the values of these parameters and save the
> value from one session to the next, and I want to be able to have the
> current value of these expressed as a hal output pin.
> I want to use these parameters for setting and remembering the position
> offsets for extra joints (non axes joints).
> Am I thinking along the right lines for this, or might there be a better
> way?  Initially I thought about using tool offset table values, but I
> wasn't sure how to get those as hal pins to use in the hal file for
> offsetting the joint's position.
> Todd Zuercher
> P. Graham Dunn Inc.<>
> 630 Henry Street
> Dalton, Ohio 44618
> Phone:  (330)828-2105ext. 2031
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