----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
 -empyre- STRIKES BACK, January 2017
Moderated by Renate Ferro (US) and Timothy Murray (US)

Rather than feature weekly guests throughout the month of January, we urge all 
2,000 members of -empyre- to crank up the noise of the net by submitting your 
New Year's resolutions against oppression, fascism, neoliberalism, and 
conservatism.  While we cannot forestall the US inauguration of Donald Trump 
and its international celebration by opponents of network neutrality and human 
dignity, we can contribute to filling the network with critical discourse, the 
soul of -empyre-.

January 2017 promises to be a memorable year of cataclysmic proportions, marked 
by rising international tides of conservatism, nationalism, and fascism that 
rides the waves of xenophobia, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.  Challenged by 
state-sponsored hacking, on one end, and corporate interference of 
net-neutrality, on the other end, the once utopian celebration of the world 
wide web might now seem but a bad dream.

January 2017 marks the month of the shocking inauguration of Donald Trump in 
the US, the onset of BREXIT in the UK, international attacks on queer and 
racial rights, the ongoing umbrella movement in Hong Kong, and the neoliberal 
choke hold of global commerce, and depressingly, on and on..

2017 also marks the fifteenth anniversary of -empyre- soft-skinned space, 
founded by Melinda Rackham (AU) in 2002 to facilitate online discussion that 
encourages critical perspectives on contemporary cross-disciplinary issues, 
practices and events in networked media.  We want to launch this anniversary 
year (also the tenth year of our collaborative moderating of -empyre-) by 
providing the -empyre- community with a platform to strike back against the 
global reactionary environment that threatens -empyre-'s critical values.

We invite you all to post your political, social, and cultural New Year's 
Resolutions, short or long, as they pertain to your geopolitical conditions.   
Posts can be made to: soft_skinned_space <empyre@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au>

Happy New Year from Tim and Renate

Timothy Murray
Professor of Comparative Literature and English
Taylor Family Director, Society for the Humanities
Curator, Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
A D White House
Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York 14853

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