----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hi Alan,

On Populism, strange, the silence you hear: and strange what you say re a nonniche Left--you don't think Sanders was a surprise? (not the miracle of the T-Effect)

...bound to be a refractory effect (which to include in T-Effect) of mainstream media, waves of which without fail wash over these shores, Waiheke where I am, and NZ, in general.

Here's the Pope with a call for moral action against Populism: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/pope-francis-warning-donald-trump-populism-evil-die-zelt-ends-badly-western-democracy-a7620016.html

Perhaps an auto da fe is called for? ...

The Left more united than before, but over what? (In opposition? To the hateful acts, which cannot be denied, and must be opposed, endorsed under T-Effect, a friend visiting US stoned with stones in the streets for the colour of her skin. (Not by many, but by a few, enough to count, armed with rocks, not to kill, more a symbolic act, passing utility trucks, GOP.))

...I would be somewhat circumspect about exalting in the dromospheric pressure of molecularised misnamed social media ... the rising heat there, is this not the definition of Populism? (pointless listening for the pop ... insulated by transfat in the cornpopper hopper ...)

And, no, I don't think your myopia. More my taking the clothes for the emperor. (Or a vision of Putin shirtless at Washington gates astride a white horse and invited in to declare himself Ruler of Byzantium.)


On 10/03/17 17:31, Alan Sondheim wrote:
----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

Hi and thanks! Could you say more? At least where I am, a few things - I don't hear the word 'populism' at all; as far as the left goes, as you know, HRC won the popular vote by over 3 million votes; it's a question of our miserable electoral college that skewed the election. I don't see the 'niche market,' at least from Rhode Island - if anything, the governor (Raimondo) and Providence mayor (Elorza) are far left of anything the state has seen before, and people here are putting their careers, if not their lives, at risk for others.. So it may just be my mypoic vision from the smallest state, but I don't see a 'reactionary and moral left' either - much less a de-politicization. As far as that goes, the left (again at least from here) seems more united than before, and social media allows Virilian speed in response and forms of TAZ (temporary autonomous zones).

Thanks again!, Alan

On Fri, 10 Mar 2017, simon wrote:

----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

(trying to cut out quotations in general)
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