Dear All – I've tried to engage some of the points made in the last posts, if 
not always directly. 

As Marc argues, If publishing is rethought as a process of creating the 
'stories than inspire others' which strikes me as a great objective, then the 
exercise of 'redefining one's or a group's place by finding an alternative 
space to have a publication made concrete, seen by others', seems like a 
fantastic objective for publishing as a form of action that can in fact reframe 
it not simply as a making public (with all its attendant problems) but as the 
building of networks of mutual recognition and support. 

However that suggests to me a more peer-to-peer style co-constructed network, 
which in turn means publishing actually becomes, again, something slightly 
different. That is a building of private, or at least bounded and protected 
spaces for discourse and exchange that, frankly (as Davin suggests) keeps the 
crap a bay (a reversal of its original sense). In public sphere theory this 
would probably be understood as something like a counter-public, but again the 
term public seems problematic here also as what we are really taking about us a 
interlinked web of interlocutors building, as Marc says, something particular 
and concrete - but also primarily in so doing, particular communities of 
interest. I think if this is the direction ‘publishing’ will be pushed this is 
no bad thing, but it does mean we are no longer speaking of a 'public' in 
publication, this may be unavoidable, and not at all elitist, but in fact 
progressive, given the historical and political roots of 'the public' and as 
Marc points out with regard to those conservative strands in Arendt's writings, 
perhaps good riddance! 

What this also suggests then is an agonistic form of politics/democracy and 
activism coming from such a re-tooled publishing agenda, a politics more in 
line with the radical democracy advocated by Laclau and Mouffe. Perhaps this is 
even an outcome of the technical character of distributed networks, which 
informs so much of our current social evolution.  Anyway - might be best to set 
aside the semantic point and ask what this does as a challenge to the 
constituted power of capital? I would say publishing as a process of production 
via deliberating peers building networks of recognition is a direct challenge 
to the neo- liberal version of post-scarcity publishing (still having to use 
that term for convenience) based on automated reputation systems, algorithmic 
popularity filtering and so forth. I'm all for that. However do we likely loose 
here the right to claim anything like 'public opinion' or a general consensus? 
That has a certain price attached, so long as actually existing democracies 
maintain ‘public opinion’ as their primary source of legitimation how are we to 
anticipate being in any sense represented? Even if, needless to say, that 
narrative is wearing very thin and not too desirable, it's about the best one 
we have that provides actual levers to exiting political power. Perhaps it 
would be better to turn to an older term which seems to be gaining traction, 
the notion of the 'general will'? I need to have a think about that one! 

Some of these points pertain to a number of the very interesting comments from 
Davin. The gatekeeping, or pre-publication filtering in book publishing is also 
shot through with an attempt to predict what will sell - and this also has a an 
increasing algorithmic character to it. I'm agreed that filtering doesn't mean 
elitism if done carefully an openly, but is that what publishers generally do? 
Although given the position of different publishers in the market place there 
are variable possibilities for filtering based on other criteria than simply 
sales potential, though even, or perhaps especially, in my experience - and 
from anecdotal evidence - the marketing departments of academic publishers are 
increasingly dictating what gets commissioned. So here gatekeeping is still not 
to do with elitism or not, so much as the tyranny of markets, I would say that 
deliberative filtering in open publishing (or basically ‘peer review’), as long 
as its done constructively and openly, is one way of supplementing the need to 
somehow manage vast amounts of material without the worse elements of a 
‘elitist’ gatekeeping, whether that’s through markets or a cultural elite. Of 
course this still requires time, in itself a resource unevenly distributed, the 
result of which is likely to lead to a core of individuals having more power 
and influence, but this is probably more desirable than the neo-liberal 

 Finally, As Marc says in latest post, referencing Michel Bauwens, the hope of 
an escape from the logic of capitalist production by in a sense eliminating the 
element of abstract labour from the production process is a worthwhile pursuit. 
The downside, as ever, how to make a living? What happens to good commercial 
publishers that still put out the things we like?  That’s fine for academics 
like myself whose basic income supplements other kinds of work, but begs 
profound questions for the economic system more broadly. Dmytri in an earlier 
post makes a related point that in the end for such endeavours as peer-to-peer 
production to expand beyond fringe or sub-cultural practices more profound 
social change is needed. Here we would need, at the very least, a general 
minimum income and the attendant upheavals that would entail. For me this is a 
fine objective, but returns us to the sticky need for a broader revolutionary 
movement and the question of just how likely that is, and I suspect I've now 
talked myself into a corner so will leave it there. 

Cheers, Joss

[] on behalf of marc garrett 
Sent: 25 January 2012 14:06
To: soft_skinned_space
Subject: Re: [-empyre-] OSW: open source writing in the network

Hi Davin, Joss & all,

Intrigued by your comments below...

 >Critical thinking does require time to read, think, communicate.  It
 >does require the existence of a community capable of supporting and
 >sustaining this activity.

Yes, an active intelligence requires 'time to read, think, communicate'.
And critical thinking by artists is as challenging as academic thinking.
It is interesting that there exists a general acceptance in the Media
Art field, that artists must take on and acknowledge the ideas proposed
by academia. Yet, many Media Artists spend their time within list
environments discussing with theorists an abundance of different
subjects relating to their practice, involving discussion on social,
technical, political, historical and philosophical matters. This form of
open exchange is an encouraging situation.

"To be an artist is to contend with the present, and there are not many
other careers that afford the freedom to radically examine life and
society. To put it bluntly, if artists are studying and writing more
about politics, culture, and education, it's probably a reflection of
the unprecedented dysfunctionality of the societies in which they
live."(Andy Deck 2005)

We already have networks of critical exchange, through various lists,
blogs and platforms, where the Internet has allowed us to explore
dynamically and mutually different ideas together. Because much of the
posts are public (they are on Netbehaviour anyway) or archived - it's a
kind of publishing.

Some have published discussions on chosen themes from lists such as
DEEP_EUROPE, from the Syndicate list, featuring selected email
discussions between 96-97. This is the only edition I possess in book
form. Publishing extracts from conversations which have originally taken
place in email lists reaches a wider audience outside of the list
environment itself.

 >(As an aside, if wanting to create a
 >community in which people can read, think, communicate, create is
 >"elitist," then what would an anti-elitist community look like?).

Interesting proposition - I think we need to define elitism here. In the
Oxford Dictionary it says Elite is "a group of people considered to be
superior in a particular society or organization: the country's educated
elite." Elitism "The belief that a society or system should be led by an
elite - The dominance of a society or system by an elite - The superior
attitude or behaviour associated with an elite etc...

I suppose, some may feel here that elism (like a weapon) is not
necessary a bad thing unless it's in the wrong hands.

To answer your question "what would an anti-elitist community look
like?" I'd say it would look messy, consisting of hierarchies,
heterarchies, consensus behaviours - it may not exist or be able to
exist as a 'pure' concept. And this may not matter, but what does matter
are the values that these communities share. Traditionally, most
utopias, theories and revolutions are caused by desire and necessity.
Murray Bookchin's take on it is "Marxists could hope to administer
necessity by means of a state, and the anarchists, to deal with it
through free communities". (Post-Sarcity Anarchism). Free communities in
a technological world do exist now and elitism within these structures
do vary.

Michel Bauwens last year wrote in an interview with Lawrence Bird "Peer
production is based on the abundance logic of digital reproduction, and
what is abundant lies outside the market mechanism. It is based on free
contributions that lie outside of the labour-capital relationship. It
creates a commons that is outside commodification and is based on
sharing practices that contradict the neoliberal and neoclassical view
of human anthropology. Peer production creates use value directly, which
can only be partially monetized in its periphery, contradicting the
basic mechanism of capitalism, which is production for exchange value."

What it says to me: is, that working our way through the systems which
we have all grown up in is not an easy journey (of course). And being
critical is a process of re-evaluating things constantly. Elitism, is a
social norm which humans seem to 'instinctively' be hooked on. But, if
we actively challenge our own forms of complicit reliance of accepting
these norms, which tend to be the more aggressive methods and models of
elitism and their defaults, that's a good start. But, if we expect it to
vanish from our psyche's as an absolute, that's a different matter

Wishing you well.

> Joss,
> You raise some very good points, points which highlight the truly
> profound nature of digital communication technologies.
>> Such a policing is indeed necessary to justify the very
>> existence of pubic life as a distinct arena that ‘represents’ us, and in
>> that sense is the essence of the democratic life of the bourgeois state.
>> However, as the cost of publishing has been reduced to something close to
>> zero for a good number of individuals and organizations, capital, and its
>> concomitant bourgeois state, have significantly diminished in their ability
>> to filter and legitimate the work of a professional class of public
>> intellectuals and cultural critics.
> In my own study of electronic literature, I find that many of our
> attitudes towards the literary are shaped by accidents of history.
> Fortunately, we have found a good medium for storing and transmitting
> human expression in the book, itself, prefigured by an oral language
> which was similarly crystallized in the creation of alphabetic
> writing....  but over time, we have become habituated to seeing human
> thought represented and archived in this format, so many believe that
> this quality is intrinsic to the literary.  Ignoring the possibility
> that these are specific incarnations of an impulse that precedes it
> and ignoring the possibility that this impulse will continue to be
> carried forward in continuity with the present.  Now, without getting
> into semantic quibbling over whether or not we want to provide a
> strict prescription for "literature," I think it is interesting that
> we depend upon the limiting effects of the material object to
> accomplish what it is that we desire from literature: Meaning over
> meaninglessness, virtuosity over thoughtless crap, quality that stands
> out against quantity.  In other words, we still prefer to spend our
> time using it in ways that reflect our interests, thus some would
> rather read Literature instead of crap....  or, in the case you
> describe, reliable publications over unreliable ones.
> At the same time, we are keenly aware of marketing, pr, and
> consumerism in the 21st century....  so we know that many operators
> will exploit the logic of scarcity to present unreliable or crappy
> texts as though they are worth the paper they are printed on.  It
> costs a lot to print a book.  People have to buy a lot of copies to
> make the bestseller list.  Glenn Beck's latest book must be AWESOME!
> In other words, we know by now that the material limitations of print
> publishing are no longer a reliable indicator of a book's aesthetic
> merit, moral quality, truth value, scientific significance, etc.
> Now, often times when I say that I think we need to have some sort of
> reliable means to sort useful information from crap, people suggest
> that there is some elitism there.  And certainly, when print was the
> only game in town, such statements were directly tied to an implied
> economic threshold, which kept some out and some in.  But when, as you
> note, many people can publish many things online with no filtering....
>   it is a mistake to assume that the process of conscious human
> discernment means we privilege the haves against the have-nots.  It
> could be.  In the case of commercial content and professionally
> marketed materials, it is.  But this, too, is an accident of history,
> rather than something essential to the act of critical thinking.
> Critical thinking does require time to read, think, communicate.  It
> does require the existence of a community capable of supporting and
> sustaining this activity.  (As an aside, if wanting to create a
> community in which people can read, think, communicate, create is
> "elitist," then what would an anti-elitist community look like?).
> To get back around to my comment....  I think that you hit the nail on
> the head when you point out the need for critical structures and
> practices that are capable of looking at the broad field of cultural
> information we swim in, and to filter those results in accordance with
> values negotiated by a community.  Once you take heavy hand of
> material scarcity off the scales of publication, we have an
> opportunity to think about what ought to be published without worrying
> about the dynamics that made many of the hard decisions on our behalf.
>   We now have to decide how to prioritize information, because the
> price of paper isn't doing it for us.  And we need to think about how
> search engines, social media, and government institutions are actively
> trying to perform this role on our behalf.
> If you look out there, and empyre as a community, has been very good
> at trying to explore the potential of the new environment (and has
> given a lot of similar projects, artists, critics, and activists, the
> space to share other models for sharing work), there are groups of
> people working on exploring the new models.  And, as these little
> perturbations in art and academic culture go, so there are wild
> vortexes of widespread social change that are being negotiated.  We
> have to figure out how to articulate community in a positive way, that
> moves the beyond the individual/collective, public/private dualities
> that were formed under the zero sum game logic of society under
> capitalism.
> Davin
> _______________________________________________
> empyre forum

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