Hi - some questions occasioned by what I've been reading here, and also thinking about torture, living through torture. Lamentation seems to imply an other, often disappeared or disappearing, that one mourns for, after, or almost within; torture applies to the self to the depths that there is no other. They are related by suffering, by anguish, and they both seem elsewhere than new or other media - they seem unmediated, even though lamentation may and often does, follow traditional cultural forms. They also seem to involve a pouring out or into; the self is dissolved. Lamentation seems to imply, as well, the second (still living or just alive) dissolving into the third (the dead), in an uncanny way paralleling the second person, 'you,' dissolving into the third, 'he' or 'she' or 'it' as the body might be. So how is all this manifest - or is it - through media? Is, for example, a video then a catalyst - of affect, memory, mourning? I ask myself these questions in the work I do in Second Life or 3d printing as well -

Thanks, Alan, and please everyone, join in -

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