Unfortunately CSS is a major weak point of mine.

Jonathan Aquilina

On 17/11/2017 02:34, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Nov 2017 23:38:05 +0000 jaquilina <jaquil...@eagleeyet.net> said:
>> Hi guys this is something I can contribute to in terms of website. and I 
>> can even host it if you all so desire. Question is do you want this 
>> built off a framework, such as wordpress where it will be easy to 
>> include a forums section or something custom built?
> We don't need hosting. We have that. We have a framework: Dokuwiki. Our 
> content
> depends on it and its markdown. It also has discussion forums too. They are
> activated on several pages.
> This discussion is really about styling and maybe layout.
>> On 2017-11-16 22:26, Stephen Houston wrote:
>>> +1 I've been saying we need a new website bad. And one that is sleek,
>>> modern, and yes white.  Time to look up to date and kept with the 
>>> times.
>>> You will notice nearly every major linux distribution and nearly all 
>>> major
>>> linux software websites are in the confines of what you describe. 
>>> Simple,
>>> flat, white background and black text, sharp but small images that are
>>> mostly subtle, and responsive design to look good across devices. The
>>> reason being that this is proven to be the easiest on the eyes and the 
>>> most
>>> pleasing to the reader as you said.
>>> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017, 3:58 PM Cedric Bail <ced...@ddlm.me> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> As some of you may have noticed we are doing some improvement to our
>>>> documentation and trying to get things easier when starting with EFL. 
>>>> One
>>>> of the main issue we are facing is that our website is definitively 
>>>> hard to
>>>> read for a lot of people. So Paul went on trying to figure out why.
>>>> The first problem is actually the constrast ratio between background 
>>>> and
>>>> text. According to W3C accessibility guidelines (
>>>> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#contrast-minimum )it should be 4.5:1 at
>>>> least. Our colors are #818181 for the text and #303030 which give a
>>>> contrast ratio of 3.39:1 ( 
>>>> https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/
>>>> ). And it is worth for people with vision impairment where it should 
>>>> be 7:1.
>>>> Black on white or white on black would work, but according to some 
>>>> random
>>>> person on Internet (could not find a scientific evidence/citation of 
>>>> it) a
>>>> white background force your pupils to contracts, making it easier to 
>>>> focus
>>>> your eye with a smaller pupil (much like the depth of field is 
>>>> increased
>>>> with a smaller camera lens). This could be shown by a test carried on 
>>>> 136
>>>> subject, where the people reading black text on a white background 
>>>> scored
>>>> better than any other combination of colors (
>>>> http://lite.mst.edu/media/research/ctel/documents/LITE-2003-04.pdf ).
>>>> The second problem are our links that are difficult to tell wether 
>>>> they
>>>> have been clicked on or not. Also they have a slight glow around the 
>>>> links
>>>> that makes them harder to read. The best link on the subject we can 
>>>> point
>>>> to would be
>>>> https://www.nngroup.com/articles/guidelines-for-visualizing-links/ .
>>>> So it would be best to come up with a more accessible design for our 
>>>> web
>>>> site. If someone want to suggest a new design within those constraint, 
>>>> it
>>>> would be great, but I would suggest to look at
>>>> https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/ or at 
>>>> http://doc.qt.io/
>>>> . They are simple and work well in term of readability. We could 
>>>> easily go
>>>> with something like that. What do you think ?
>>>> Cedric
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