On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 3:36 PM, Simon Lees <sfl...@suse.de> wrote:

> On 11/12/17 14:41, Jean-Philippe André wrote:
> > Cedric mentioned to me a couple of times how long it took large projects
> > using Qt4 to finally move on to Qt5. So we're trying to avoid that
> > bottleneck.
> I don't think for most large projects it wasn't that long for Qt4-Qt5,
> the API changes were minimal for almost everything (except there first
> experimental mobile api, I ported a really large project in 2 days.
> The exception was apps that were still using "legacy" Qt3 compatibility
> API's that were dropped. The Qt3->Qt4 on the other hand was a much
> larger API break which did take a long time they learned from that for
> Qt4->Qt5 and didn't make nearly as many API changes.

Good to know. Anyway compatibility is important :)

Jean-Philippe André
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