Hi all,

I'm playing again with eolian and python, and I'm facing an issue with
regards class names and namespaces separation (I already raised this in the

A first intro to python namespaces (I think apply to any other high-level
* in py every class must live in a given namespace and you use the class as:
    from <namespace> import <class>
* every namespace in python is a separate .so file

The basic question is:
is the Efl.Text (interface) inside the Efl.Text namespace?
do I need to put the Text interface inide the Efl.Text .so file?

NO) if the resonse is no, then in python will become:
from efl.ui import Button
from efl import Text
from efl.text import Font

this feels wrong to me, as Text is not in the text namespace

YES) if the response is YES:
from efl.ui import Button
from efl.text import Text
from efl.text import Font

this one seems correct to me, but this means that the full name of the Text
class should be Efl.Text.Text (this is a must in python, and probably in
all other langs)

Note that there are lots of similar issue in the new API, please tell me
how to proceed

see ya
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