Am 06.09.22 um 03:30 schrieb Simon Lees:

On 9/5/22 19:49, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
On Mon, 5 Sep 2022 11:16:03 +0200 Andreas Volz <> said:


just a question if there is a Discord[1] Server for Enlightenment Users
& Developers? What is your opinion about to create one?

Why not just use matrix? Have you tried it? If you want a "modern works on
mobile apps and works in a web browser" kind of chat experience, matrix
provides that - e.g. use to access matrix and the #e channel ... which is the same as the libera #e irc channel. What is it about discord that
is specifically better than Matrix+Element in this case?

Sorry Raster, I've not received your mail in my E-Mail client. Only the reply from Simon. I've to adjust my spam filer.

I didn't know Element before. Don't know if it brings same benefits as Discord. I could just say I love using Discord. I use it for other developer groups and it's fantastic. We share screenshots, files, videos as Gif or mp4 to show us problems or features. Direct video play in the chat window. Emotional reactions. Even voice and video chat rooms are possible. People come there as it feels good.

1. I can reset the password for my account (I've been locked out of matrix for years because the password reset simply doesn't work for me).

2. There is a tonne of people who are already there and using it for other communities (as with irc), in the openSUSE community we ended up with a Discord community because a bunch of users who were already there created one then later it became official.

I agree - modern tools are good. Matrix + element provide that AND provide a link back to old IRC. It means the channel is not owned by some company that
might change policies in future.

In the openSUSE case we also have a bot running in Discord that bridges the chat between Matrix and Discord, in some but not all cases for openSUSE this also feeds into irc. So for me the people rather then the tools are why i'd go for Discord over Matrix, as long as nothing long term important lives there if things change you can just tell people your leaving / moving if terms change.

In many groups is a bot with a GitHub bridge that allows easy following of current changes or things like received Github stars.

So I vote for creating one, try it for some month and if nobody likes it the server dies from alone. :-)

Bad thing is the name "enlightenment" is taken. :-P


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