I started to make a new taskbar-module based on engage. For now it
uses gadcon, but this has several disadvantages. The problem is that the
shelf is intended to hold more than one gadcon-client and therefore the
clients should be changed on changes to the shelf. In my case the
module should control the size, hiding and style of the shelf and
futhermore it doesn't make sense to have more than one client in its

In short: there are a bunch of other modules that need to control how
and where they appear on the desk; modules which might have multiple
instance configurations to store. 
I would say engage, devian, calendar and all this desklet-stuff falls in
this category for example.

So what interfaces could be needed by such a module and how should the
user configure these modules?

Ok, one could implement all the window- and
instance-handling-configuration for each module, but i think this
will cause a very incosistent configuration of such modules in the
end. So I would do it like this, as one example: 
'Module Settings' -> 'Engage' -> Configure -> 'add Instance' 

>From the user perspective I think it would make more sense if one adds
a module like this just like shelfs.
So the add Button from the shelf settings would show a select-window to
add a shelf or an engage bar, etc.
'Shelf Settings' -> add -> 'Engage'

On the interface side.
Just some ideas i had so far for this new kind of shelf.
Module provides information to the 'shelf':
- a name (to show in the select window) 
- which orientations are possible (float, edge,..)
- if size is set by the module 
Module can cause the 'shelf' 
- to resize 
- to show/hide 

'Shelf' provides funtionality 
- move window / setting the edge 
- hiding
- 'abstracts' if the module instance draws on the desk or a popup (as is
does now already)

I know there is the gadcon between the client and the shelf. Though for
this kind of shelf  gadcon could be much simplified, since it
has only to handle with one module.  

Are there any objections to add something like this to e?
I mean, it could simplify the work to create a desklet-like module a
If there is a better way to achieve what i want, please let me know! 

Best Regards,
Hannes 'jeffdameth' Janetzek

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