Am Thu, 19 Apr 2007 15:46:16 GMT

>       Hannes wrote:
> > ...
> > ...
> > 
> > In short: there are a bunch of other modules that need to control
> > how and where they appear on the desk; modules which might have
> > multiple instance configurations to store. 
> > I would say engage, devian, calendar and all this desklet-stuff
> > falls in this category for example.
> > 
> > So what interfaces could be needed by such a module and how should
> > the user configure these modules?
> > 
>       Out of curiosity I looked up "desklet" and found references
> to 'gdesklets' and 'SuperKaramba', which it seems are very popular
> projects for gnome and kde respectively.
>       But there also came up something called 'adesklets', which
> is a similar independent project that uses imlib2 for its gfx.
>       To me, an edje based version of adesklets comes to mind
> as natural possibility.. ie. building on whatever groundwork has
> already been covered by the adesklets project/people. :)
> > ...
> > ...
> > Are there any objections to add something like this to e?
> > I mean, it could simplify the work to create a desklet-like module
> > a lot. 
> > If there is a better way to achieve what i want, please let me know!
>       I wonder if it's a good idea to continue putting more and
> more things into e17. 
>       Wouldn't it be better to try and work with the adesklet
> people (assuming they'd be interested) and maybe add edje based
> capabilities?  Maybe use edbus for better integration/communication
> with e17..?  Or even provide a 'kparts' like mechanism for these
> desklets so they could be 'loaded' by e17 if desired, but have
> them run independently by themselves in general... etc.
>       Following Simon's and Brian's suggestions and ideas, I'd
> say that these 'desklets' would also be perfect candidates for
> mixed e-guitoolkit + custom-edje gadgets.

Indeed a desktop independent etk/ewl based desklet framework would be
nice to have =) 

Just an idea: Perhaps one could make a standalone module
loader for e's modules, since a bunch of these could work without e. So
people using another wm are able to use and develop e-modules.  Hehe

I still prefer a tighter integration with e, since some things are
hard to achieve otherwise. For example listing to e's
events. sending all events via dbus is much more work than what I
would propose. Drawing to the desktop is also hard until evoak is in
place or everyone uses xcomposite.

Back to the point why it could be useful to add a new features to e. I
think one can divide the ways a gadcon-client is displayed in these four
categories: floating or edge  and  container or single module.
(Drawing on the desktop or on a popup should be possible for each
of these types)
Atm only the container on an edge is supported by e(the shelf). For the
other kinds one would have to write a lots of module-code for
configuration and placement which _should_ be equal between modules. 

So the pros as far as i can see are: 
1. less duplicated code 
2. consistent configuration / instantiation
3. it's easier to write modules, so probably more people write
4. If one can't find a hypothetic module that doesn't fit in
these categories then e is complete in one more sense :)


>    jose.
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