> Of course it has some drawbacks, the biggest I can see is that
> modules are dependent to e17 but... who cares, we use e17 :)

        And you use the modules -- with e17. Someone(s) has to
maintain them all, throughout the lifetime of e17.. to be in sinc
with it, and error free, and not slow down the wm, and other things.
        It will effectively limit the kinds and numbers of such
'desklet' things that actually get used, and/or expose e17 to all
sorts of bug reports, complaints, and whatnot.

        e17 modules, freely placeable or not, are good for a certain
few, small kinds of things... It's not the best way to have a unified
mechanism (assuming that's possible or desirable), for easily creating
and using large numbers interesting desklet kinds of things that take
advantage of the efl's.


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