I missed this one by Brian..

> Write an app that sets 
>  ecore_evas_alpha_set(ee, 1);
>  ecore_evas_borderless_set(ee, 1);  
> and run a compositor?
> Then, if desired set them to stack 'always below', and either
> alt-drag them around or use esmart_draggies?

        That might be one way to implement things 'behind the scenes'
so to speak. But the issue here is really that of providing a suitable
mechanism to allow for easily creating and displaying interesting
'desklets/applets' kinds of things.

        One basically needs a specialized, or higher-level, mechanism
similar in part to what edje/edc now provides.. or also say eg. with
specialized/higher-level versions of Freevo's kaa.evas, or Simon's
glade-like idea, etc.
        This is basically what the current gdesklets/superkaramba/
adesklets/who-knows-what... all do, in one way or another. It's also
similar in form to what html provides, or Mozilla's xul, and who
knows how many others.

        In this case, they have some description format plus scripting
language specially 'tuned' to defining "desklets" kinds of things, and
then realize these descriptions and script-logic somehow (via gtk or
qt or imlib2+?).

        For example, here's a snippet of what I found on the gdesklet
website (http://www.gdesklets.de) that describes what they start with:

Features of the ADL (Applet Description Language):

    * Human-readable and human-editable
    * Not too verbose
    * XML-based
    * Intuitive design
    * Independent of screen resolution
    * Rich layouting capabilities
    * Inline scripting
    * Specially designed for the purpose of making applets


        The only part of such a mechanism that would be an added bonus
for E would be some form of closer communication with e17 say, and
this would have to be thru some ipc mechanism if the 'desklets' were
separate apps.
        It might also be desirable to allow e17 to "swallow" certain
desklets, if it so decides.. these thus becoming essentially e17
modules then.. and for this one would need something like kde's kparts
idea -- wherein the part of the desklet that is to be swallowed (into
an e17 shelf, or menu, or bar..) would have to be provided as a shared
lib (plus maybe other stuff).

        Wether this kind of ease and flexibility for creating efl
based "epplets" is desired.. is another matter. But expecting that
having an e17 pseudo-api for similar things, solely as current e17
modules.. will make for lots of nice, widely used such... ummmmm.


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