I think almost everyone is understimating the problem. This is a very bad
issue only Enlightenment has and a lot people asks why does this happen,
even in our OpenGEU FOrums. Even creting EWL, ETK, etc. themes is really
something bad a user has to do. Once you create an E17 theme, it should be
one for everything, you cannot have to create a theme for every library
used. No other DE / VM has such a behaviour. For example, in Gnome you
customize everything by creating a GTK theme, same in KDE. A user cannot be
left with no choice than creating a single E17 theme and let the others
applications look weird and different from the Others. This is rally really
bad for any user and it also gives the users a really bad impression of the
entire Enlightenment. I think we should find a way to unify everything in a
single basic theme that has to be created, Sthithaprajna's way may be one
but tehre may be other ways too.

Just please do not understimate this problem, because it is a problem and it
a very huge one too.

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