On Monday, 31 March 2008, at 20:50:20 (+0100),
The DarkMaster wrote:

> @Michael: I respect your point of view, but;
> @All: I am just saying that the big difference in all of this toolkits's
> customization possibilities is just a game stopper for the majority of
> people. Of course, the masses wish to have an ergonomic desktop, where
> everything looks well integrated and not chaotic (Say MacOSX for example).

E was never intended to cater to the "masses."  There are plenty of
other "lowest common denominator" options out there already.  I've
used all of them, even MacOS X, and frankly I'm not even half as
productive with any of them.

> What I'm trying to explain is that there should be at least an easy
> way for the common user to set a certain theme for all of his E17
> related apps.  That's all.

Assuming the theme is intended to be able to do that, that's fine.  As
long as everyone realizes that not all theme authors will want to go
down that road.

> Also for coders/themers, this is just extra work.

Maybe so, but it's up to the theme author if they want to create an
"E" theme or an "EWL" theme or both.

If someone wanted to create a tool to speed/simplify converting one
theme to another, or to facilitate creating themes that work for
multiple apps/libs, more power to them!  As long as the freedom still
exists to have separate and distinct themes, I don't think anyone
would be opposed to such a thing.

> For example, creating a little application able of helping a themer
> in producing E, EWL, ETK, whatever theme using the same basic pieces
> of arts for buttons, windows background and various widgets, would
> be a very nice thing.  That's all.

I agree.

> Also, for example, when I released OpenGEU Luna Nuova, all of
> the good review about my distro where saying: it is a very nice distro but I
> oticed that changing from the Sunshine theme to Moonlight, some parts of
> certain applications didn't change to dark colors and still looked Golden :)
> That was the greates draw-back in choosing and recommending the distro! Lol
> ;)
> That is, they where saying that the distro whas still a little bugged
> because of this :)

Again, if you create a distro based on a certain set of assumptions,
you bear the responsibility that comes with it.  :-)

> That's how people see the entire story, no matter how you put it,
> only few people understand that this is a pro. Now, I believe that
> we'd better help themers do their job better since having the
> freedom to create themes EASILY should be an important freedom too
> for anyone, right? I prefer ergonomics desktop, shouldn't I be free
> to easily and quickly encode one in E?

This is the key difference:  "facilitate" vs. "dictate"  The former is
good; the latter is bad.

My original point was that this simply isn't a big deal for the type
of user (like myself) that E was originally coded for.  That said,
those who feel it is a significant issue should feel welcome to
develop the tools necessary to have it however they want it.  In other
words, facilitate the choice, but don't dictate the policy.

Make sense?  :-)

> That's just how I see the entire fact and of course I am not crazy (why
> should I be crazy only because I like ergonomic desktops??) and of course
> I'm trying to push my distro that exact way :)

Liking things a certain way doesn't make you crazy.  Thinking
*everyone* should be *forced* to have them that way does.  Hopefully
the distinction is clear now. :-)


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  http://www.kainx.org/  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux Server/Cluster Admin, LBL.gov       Author, Eterm (www.eterm.org)
 "God hears them cry.  (Thou shalt not kill.)  You hear the lie.  (Do
  what you will.)  And you simply look the other way."
                          -- Holy Soldier, "See No Evil" (re abortion)

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