The DarkMaster wrote:
> I think almost everyone is understimating the problem. This is a very bad
> issue only Enlightenment has and a lot people asks why does this happen,
> even in our OpenGEU FOrums. Even creting EWL, ETK, etc. themes is really
> something bad a user has to do. Once you create an E17 theme, it should be
> one for everything, you cannot have to create a theme for every library
> used. No other DE / VM has such a behaviour. For example, in Gnome you
> customize everything by creating a GTK theme, same in KDE. A user cannot be
> left with no choice than creating a single E17 theme and let the others
> applications look weird and different from the Others. This is rally really
> bad for any user and it also gives the users a really bad impression of the
> entire Enlightenment. I think we should find a way to unify everything in a
> single basic theme that has to be created, Sthithaprajna's way may be one
> but tehre may be other ways too.
> Just please do not understimate this problem, because it is a problem and it
> a very huge one too.

This is fine for GTK and KDE as they don't have 3 separate toolkits 
behind them. Enlightenment has the E17 widgets which theme the window 
manager, Ewl and Etk as toolkits. All three of these work in a differing 
fashion and don't depend on each other.

So, are we going to suddenly require that you have Ewl or Etk installed 
to use E17 or have E17 installed to use Ewl? That doesn't make much 
sense as they're independent.

Until the window manager moves over to a specific widget toolkit we're 
going to have duplication in our theming.


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