I'm quoting Zachary.
@Michael: I respect your point of view, but;
@All: I am just saying that the big difference in all of this toolkits's
customization possibilities is just a game stopper for the majority of
people. Of course, the masses wish to have an ergonomic desktop, where
everything looks well integrated and not chaotic (Say MacOSX for example).
This is not what everyone want and I agree with Michael on this, E's
customization possibilities is what makes it different and so innovative...

What I'm trying to explain is that there should be at least an easy way for
the common user to set a certain theme for all of his E17 related apps.
That's all. Also for coders/themers, this is just extra work. For example,
creating a little application able of helping a themer in producing E, EWL,
ETK, whatever theme using the same basic pieces of arts for buttons, windows
background and various widgets, would be a very nice thing.
That's all. Also, for example, when I released OpenGEU Luna Nuova, all of
the good review about my distro where saying: it is a very nice distro but I
oticed that changing from the Sunshine theme to Moonlight, some parts of
certain applications didn't change to dark colors and still looked Golden :)
That was the greates draw-back in choosing and recommending the distro! Lol
That is, they where saying that the distro whas still a little bugged
because of this :)
That's how people see the entire story, no matter how you put it, only few
people understand that this is a pro. Now, I believe that we'd better help
themers do their job better since having the freedom to create themes EASILY
should be an important freedom too for anyone, right? I prefer ergonomics
desktop, shouldn't I be free to easily and quickly encode one in E?

That's just how I see the entire fact and of course I am not crazy (why
should I be crazy only because I like ergonomic desktops??) and of course
I'm trying to push my distro that exact way :)
There's nothing bad about it. that's why we are developing a theme switcher,
for example, to change E17 theme with GTK and a lot of other aspects in the
look of the desktop. Never thought that E is a DE; that's why my distro
exists in fact. If I would be able to do, I'd create such a theme
creator/designer/helper myself but I can't, I'm not a developer of new
software sorry ;)

Well then, what to say more than what I already did?
I'll simply try to make it simpler for people to create themes for the
entire E17 desktop shell (EWL, ETK, E, etc.) and I'll try to have a good
integration of the themes we can find today with the rest of the desktop.
That's all I can do. Anyone interested in helping coding something like this
are welcome of course! Also, if you are not able to code, welcome anyway
since we have the same hopes for the future or the same goal...

If you don't care about it then nevermind :)
We'll try our best anyway to ralize this dream but please respect our point
of view as I respect yours ;)

I believe this thread has lost its reason to exist now. We all know what
other people believe I guess. Since this was just a question for
clarification and the main E developers have already pointed out this not to
look as an issue, I guess I'll have to go on and try to fix it my way for
common people wishing to use Enlightenment as their main Desktop Shell :)

Peace and love,

Luca D.M.
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