On Tue, 30 Mar 2010, Dave Ray wrote:

> My environment is MacOS-X 10.5.8 (Leopard) on a Macbook Pro (64-bit
> Intel i686 Darwin), gcc 4.0.1 from XCode 3.1.4.
> I am not using fink, everything installs in /usr/local. e16 and many
> other X11 programs install successfully.
> $LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/X11/lib:/usr/local/lib
> The current release of EDJE fails to compile on MacOSX due to an issue
> between EDJE and LUA. This prevents completion of prerequisites for
> e17. On MacOSX the LUA distribution installs perfectly except it does
> library linkage differently than EDJE expects. This causes EDJE to
> fail with an error that LUA is not installed, when in fact it is.
> The LUA source does not have a configure script and is compiled by non-
> standard makefile arguments. They are fairly simple and clearly
> explained in the README. On MacOSX the make command is  "sudo make
> macosx install" followed by "sudo make ranlib". This is roughly
> equivalent to "make; sudo make install; sudo ranlib /usr/local/lib/
> liblua.a". However the LUA compilation does not produce .so libraries
> or .pc files. It produces the .a library and working binaries. "make
> test" is successful.
> pkg-config does not see it.
> "pkg-config --list-all | grep lua" produces nothing.
> When I try to compile EDJE I get the following error:
> ...
> checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
> checking for LUA... no
> checking for LUA... no
> checking for LUA... no
> checking for LUA... no
> configure: error: unable to find Lua
> If LUA produced a .pc file, I could manually move that from lua's src
> directory to /usr/lib/pkgconfig. That would be one possible fix but it
> requires mods to the lua source.
> Alternatively EDJE could look for $LD_LIBRARY_PATH/liblua.a instead of
> whatever it is doing.
> I'm not an expert but it seems it shouldn't be too hard to make a diff
> to fix this, but is a little beyond my skills.
> Has anyone looked at this?

Yes, I have. The problem is not compatibility between edje and lua. The 
problem is that there is no .pc file in the lua source. These stupid 
developpers answered me that they want to reduce the number of files in 
their tarball when i asked why there is no .pc file. Do you believe it ?? 
On linux distro, package maintainers usually add a .pc file.

Well, there is several solutions:

1) as you said, write your own .pc file and put it in the correct 
directory. (that's what i do for Windows)

2) i can add a check of lua library in edje's configure.ac if no .pc file 
is found.

I'll try to find some time to improve lua check this week

best regards

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