On Wed, May 09, 2018 at 11:31:30PM +0900, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> > I don't want this either.
> > I want the window under to stay under and not exist as far as focus and
> > input are concerned, the way E has behaved for me for literally 20 years
> > now.
> e never behaved that way. if you have pointer focus the window the pointer was
> over would get focused. always. you could have it autoraise or not, but you're
> imagining things because i never wrote any such feature like this. no wm i 
> have
> ever seen does this either. :)

Ok, so basically you are confirming that 
is a bug in 0.21.11 and that 

1) I'm the first one to see it, maybe because no one is using that
release with focus follow mouse?

2) it's not going to get fixed because 0.21.x is a dead branch

3) Is it a known bug that got fixed in 0.22 or we don't even know what the
bug was and how it got fixed/went away?

Related questions:
4) if I start building 0.21.10, .9, .8 until the introduced
bug goes away, am I going to lose my ~/.e profile and all my settings
every time, or is it at least backwards compatible if I stay within

5) if my profile is going to get lost, can I at least somehow backup all
my saved window settings, which literally take me 30 to 45mn to
painstakenly recreate one by one?

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
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