
In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [e-users] enlightenment audio default device issue
  Message-ID : <9806f554-6796-465b-7f01-22d974a7d...@gmail.com>
  Date & Time: Sun, 26 Feb 2023 09:19:30 +0100

[MM] == Massimo Maiurana <maiur...@gmail.com> has written:

MM>  > Your package configuration is incorrect.
MM>  > 
MM>  > First, the following packages are missing;
MM>  > 
MM>  > pipewire-alsa

MM>  Trying to install this it asks to remove the whole pulseaudio installation.

MM>  > pipewire-module-x11

MM>  Not present in debian
MM>  > 
MM>  > What did you decide the configuration based on?

MM>  I've never decided to install pipewire explicitly, it must have
MM>  been pulled in by some other package installation.

I see.

MM>  > Under the pipewire, at minimum, you will need to install the
MM>  > libspa-0.2-plugins  package, remove the pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
MM>  > package, and then either reboot your computer or restart the PipeWire
MM>  > services, otherwise device connections will fail with "Protocol not
MM>  > available".

MM>  libspa-0.2-plugins is not in the list of available debian packages. Look 
MM>  for available pipewire packages in bookworm:
MM>  https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=bookworm&keywords=pipewire

I had heard rumors that debian's packages were peculiar, but I am
surprised to see how peculiar they are.

I have no idea why they use the pulseaudio's bluetooth module instead of
the pipewire's bluetooth module.

I mean, I'm thinking that your problem is related to bluetoooth, but I
can't figure out anything from your information.

It seems to me that pipewire is still in the testing phase in debian,

Basically, it is a debian problem, not the enlightenment problem, so
you should ask the debian ML.


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