On 2/28/2021 1:29 PM, Thane K. Sherrington wrote
> Mike, my complaint (and the complaint I get from my clients) is the
> lack of Simplify Printing.    I get that it's "coming soon" but that's
> not the way to roll out a brand new printing system.  Finish it, then
> roll it out.  The regular complaints I get about Firefox changes is
> "too many changes to UI" and "they removed feature X".   It's great to
> get feature X back later, but by the time that happens, you will have
> lost a percentage of your users, and they may not come back.
> For Firefox to succeed it needs three things - more and more speed
> (nobody likes waiting) and compatibility with websites (I'm hearing
> more and more about "this site doesn't work in Firefox" from clients),
> and more security/privacy (the raison d'être of Firefox. 
> It sort of seems like Firefox is making UI changes for the sake of
> making changes.  Changing the UI creates friction which creates
> frustration among end-users.  UI changes should be very few and far
> between.   The new printing system looks prettier than the old one,
> but it's less functional, and it requires relearning. 
> Sorry to gripe, but I'm a massive Firefox fan and I push it to all my
> clients.  Recently, I'm getting more and more push back for the above
> reasons.
> At the very least, when you make a UI change like this that is missing
> features in it's initial release, put a very obvious button that says
> "Want the old version back?  Click Here."

I have to say, a huge, HUGE +100 to all of the above.

I've been using Firefox since before version 1.0. Ever since the loss of
XUL Addons, I've been casually researching alternatives, but...

For all of the above reasons, I recently switched my default browser to
Brave, and am preparing to start switching all of my clients, friends
and family to it as well.

The actual drivers that triggered my decision to act was, first, the
compatibility problems. More and more websites/pages just simply
wouldn't load. Restarting Firefox would fix it every time - for a while,
then it started again. The second is the garbage Identity Politics
Mozilla is pushing now.

For me, the decision to switch was the end of an era.

Most importantly, like Thane said, I won't be coming back... unless
Mozilla does something spectacular to make me give it another look -
like, opening up the UI to Addons at the same or similar level that XUL

For now, though, I'm done.
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