Comments inline.

On Mon, 1 Mar 2021 11:05:27 -0600
Mike Kaply <> wrote:

> I appreciate your feedback and understand.
> For situations like this, we recommend the Firefox ESR to avoid getting
> changes like this as they are being implemented.

But eventually the changes -- whether good or bad -- make their way into ESR. 
And the differences between major versions of ESR can cost way to0 much in 
productivity loss due to the need for relearning how to do things (or just 
cleaning up numerous problems).

> But yeah, we are making changes for change sake to make Firefox better and
> more modern.

"Change for change sake" rarely ends well.

Full HTML 5 support made Firefox better. The new process/sandbox model made it 
more secure/stable. Removing XUL broke almost *all* addons -- a big step 
backwards. And by the way, "more modern" is *not* isomorphic to "better".

> There's a major reorganization of all the menus coming.

That should be a real boon to productivity in the enterprise.

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