On 12/17/00 11:32 AM, "Paul Berkowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 12/17/00 5:17 AM, "Robert George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Paul,
>> Any chance of including the "title" of the contact and (more importantly to
>> me) the "company name" in the envelope print script.  These two things are
>> pretty much essential in "proper" business correspondence.
>> Thanks very much for all your hard work up to now.
> Yes, they're there. So is department (for business addresses), and Job Title
> (which may be what you meant) is an option. I took these over from George,
> and added a bit more: you can include them as options in your return address
> too, for example.

Great!  Where can I find it.  I looked on Apple Script Central but could not
find it. 

Robert George
Robert George Productions

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