I have a request and if anyone can come up with a script or idea I know it's
the people on this list. Here goes:

For the past two months I have been getting emails from somebody who is
infected with some sort of problem. Each email is from the same sender with
the subject "letter" and a 205.6kB attachment.

On a good day I get 6--today I had 23 waiting for me. Right now I'm using
POPmonitor to log on and delete them and I wish I could automate that
procedure (is POPmonitor scriptable?)

Anyway any idea will be appreciated. I've already sent mail to abuse at both
my ISP and the ISP from whom them mail is coming (I guess that address and
the path is pretty well spoofed by the you-know-what) I've also sent the
mail to spamcop and they sent me back another long list with a new ISP but I
had no reply from them either.


John Gniewkowski

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