Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> On 02/01/2018 07:40 AM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
>> Tom "spot" Callaway wrote:
>>> On 01/31/2018 10:53 AM, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
>>>> So we have a problem with what is the canonical place for SCL's. I was
>>>> going from which just says x86_64. 
>>> Even just getting x86_64 devtoolset into the potential buildroot for
>>> EPEL would be hugely helpful to me, because that's all chromium cares
>>> about right now.
>> I filed a pull request to update mock-core-configs:
>> If anyone here knows relevant folks on the SCL team who can
>> provide some input on the preferred/canonical repository
>> URLs (or any other issues with that PR), it would be great.
>> I tend to think that the mock configs we ship should use
>> whatever URLs the centos-release-scl{,-rh} packages use.
>> That's what end-users would see if they wanted to rebuild
>> packages outside of mock.  If those change we can always
>> update them in mock-core-configs to match.
> Well, that will help people who do local mock builds, but won't do
> anything for koji/epel. ;)

Of course.  :)

Doing the mock part takes a little off the plate of the
folks who have access to make the changes in koji/epel.

More important, I think, is ensuring that local mock builds,
koji/epel builds, and plain old local rpmbuild builds work
as similarly as possible.  The mock-core-config changes were
merged the other day, so with the next release we should see
devtoolset enabled in mock for x86_64.  If/when other arches
move out of testing on CentOS and RHEL we'll just have to
update the mock configs.

> I think at this point it just needs someone to do the
> setup, and I think Peter said he could. If not, I can put
> it on my list, but not sure when I would get to it.

Cool, thanks.  

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

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