Le 17/04/2012 22:44, Brendan Eich a écrit :
Brendan Eich wrote:
Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
It would be amazing to have clojure like protocols in JS even without `IFn`. I think it's very good feet and very useful in JS where each library has it's own flavored API. I wrote more about it here: http://jeditoolkit.com/2012/03/21/protocol-based-polymorphism.html#post

Still hoping Mark will weigh in.

Ok, I talked to Mark and Tom Van Cutsem, and they see no problem provided we prevent overriding built-in [[Call]] and [[Construct]] on function objects.

Let there be private names @call and @construct (I'll spell them this way to avoid tedious imports of const bindings from "@std" or another built-in module).


This also simplifies direct proxies by allowing any proxy to have call and construct traps.
Speaking of proxies and private names, how would the 2 private name interact with the proxies? It seems that it would be poorly because of the "private-names-can-be-revealed-as-property-names-in-traps" rule. Is it time to consider unique names? Since @call and @construct would be available to anyone, they are not much that private anyway.

Change 11.4.3 "The typeof Operator", the table row with "Object (native or host and does implement [[Call]])" in column 1, to test not for [[Call]] and *not* for @call, rather to test [[NativeBrand]] === "Function" (see ES6 draft "Object.prototype.toString ( )").

This last point is important: we do not want an object's typeof-type to change by giving it a @call property.
This was a strong concern and the solution is satisfying as far as I'm concerned.

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