Andreas Rossberg wrote:
I doubt that there is a single implementation that would not want to
special-case symbol representations. They will all have to deal with
the extra complexity.

Don't take this as a "you're wrong"-style absolute argument:

We took this hit way back when, for E4X (to help restart Ecma TC39). RIP, and put a stake through it and sew salt into its mouth so it does not come back to life, but my point here is that engines *already* special-case integer-ish index identifiers and do not use strings (while equating strings such as "123" to 123 when used as property names).

True, adding another variant for symbol property names where the symbol is an object, not a unique and unforgeable string or similar primitive, is a cost. But it's the 3rd tag in the space, not the 2nd. So there already exist special cases for int-ish names. The cost is less than you suggest, in terms of PIC variants and so on.

Finally, while implementor hardships matter, we must subordinate symbol implementation concerns to user-facing ones. But that's an exchange where I already made my pitch elsewhere on this thread.

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