> Dmitry Soshnikov wrote:
>> Will the "Existential Operator" for properly accessors be something 
>> interesting to consider for ES7 spec? Currently CoffeeScript uses it well.
> Please see
> http://esdiscuss.org/topic/sept-18-tc39-meeting-notes#content-2
> and find "ARB: This is non-compositional".

David seems to suggest a compositional version: `o?.p?.q?.r`

I’m assuming that the left-hand side of `value?.prop` is an arbitrary value and 
that the property access is only made if that value is neither `undefined` nor 
`null`. AFAICT that’s also how CoffeeScript’s existential operator works.

I’m ambivalent about it, though: it would be useful, but would also add 
complexity to the language.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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