Le 12/06/2014 16:43, Domenic Denicola a écrit :
Also, David: <module>s are not named; you cannot import them. Check out https://github.com/dherman/web-modules/blob/master/module-tag/explainer.md
Thanks, that's the context I was missing.

I'm uncomfortable with the "async" part of the proposal as currently (under?)specified. Sharing my thought process.

Async loading prevents the rendering blocking problem, but creates another problem. async loading isn't an end in and of itself. As far as I'm concerned, I never use script@async for app initialization code (which is the target of the <script type="module"> proposal) because it offers no guarantee on whether the script will be executed before or after the HTML is fully parsed. I'm a big fan of script@defer though, because I have a clear idea of loading order (which will be covered by modules, so unimportant for the topic at hand) as well as when the script will be executed (when the HTML is fully parsed and DOM is complete, but before the DOMContentLoaded event)

I'm extremely interested in how other devs use the @async attribute in practice. In the context of an application, scripts that have no temporal dependency with other scripts loaded in the same document are rare beasts.

Back to <script type="module">, I'm not sold on arbitrary "async" loading if it forces me to add this boilerplate:
    // assuming function loadApp(){}
    if(document.readyState === "loading")
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loadApp)

A @defer semantics for <script type="module"> might make more sense and not force all devs to add the above boilerplate to make sure their code loading is robust to the laws of physics. If people want to execute scripts before the HTML is fully parsed they can just use regular <script>.

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