I actually don't expect "mere mortal" ECMAScript programmers to be confused 
with [[get]] as I won't expect them to have ever been exposed to it.  Scanning 
the rest of the standard ECMAScript objects, the only methods that use a "get" 
prefix seem to be in Date so this may be some potential for a confusion of 
conventions there but on the other hand Date seems to largely a world onto 
itself so I don't know if its usage should really be a concern.  A bigger issue 
may be conventions that have been adopted by the more popular AJAX frameworks, 
if they are in conflict with the getProperty usage. I admit I'm not real 
familiar with the detailed APIs of the frameworks but I'm sure somebody here 
can enlighten me.

Another alternative to "get" would be "reify", eg reifyProperty.  My immediate 
reaction is that it would not be very approachable for unsophisticated users 
(in other words, most of them). On the other hand, I could argue that if you 
don't understand what reify means in this context you shouldn't be using the 
function. And, this is one of the rare case where the dictionary definition 
fairly precisely corresponds to the technical meaning. This one actually kind 
of grows on me, but I don't think I could really champion it unless there as a 
spontaneous outburst of support for it.

I could live with lookup, although I think it focuses the meaning on the access 
process rather than on the result. Another, slightly longer alternative would 
be "retrieve".

Regarding, what getOwnProperty returns, what you currently see in the spec. is 
probably a bug. My intent was for it to return undefined, although somebody 
more steeped in JavaScript idioms could convince me that null is more 
appropriate if that really is the case. The internal function 
FromPropertyDescriptor probably also needs to return that same value under the 
appropriate circumstances. Finally, here's another bug: step 3 of 
Object.getProperty should call [[GetProperty]] rather than [[GetOwnProperty]].  
Also step 4 has a "]]" that should be there.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brendan Eich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 12:37 AM
To: Allen Wirfs-Brock
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] x-discuss; es4-discuss@mozilla.org es4-discuss
Subject: Re: ES3.1 Object static methods rationale document

On Jul 16, 2008, at 12:09 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> On Jul 15, 2008, at 11:50 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
>> * getProperty and getProperties seem misnamed in light of common
>> usage of "get", "[[Get]]", "getProperty", etc. all connoting value-
>> getting, not descriptor-getting. getPropertyDescriptor is a bit
>> long, but not fatally so. Worth renaming?
> Shorter alternative verbs to "get": lookup, query. The analogy is
> lookup : define :: get : put.

That was unclear, sorry. I meant to suggest that "lookupProperty" is
a shorter alternative to "getPropertyDescriptor". Using "lookup" or
"query" relieves the need for "Descriptor" at the end to disambiguate
value- from descriptor-getting. So:

// returns descriptor if (name in obj), else null or something falsy [1]
Object.lookupProperty(obj, name)

It's still longer than Object.getProperty, but Object.getProperty
seems like a misnomer every time I read it, since it does not do a
[[Get]] or [[GetProperty]]. ECMA-262 does not need more overloadings
of "get-property" names.

Similar comments apply to Object.getOwnProperty.


[1] The 15 July 2008 draft specifies false, not null, as the return
value of Object.getProperty(O, P) when !(P in O) -- is this intended?

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