On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, Robert M. Solovay wrote:

> I got my last desktop computer from Computer Systems West. I've been very
> happy with their service except that they don't have any Linux
> knowledgeable people in their tech-repair staff.

I wouldn't search out the local computer stores for Linux support except
for Stan.  One well known store will not sell AMD processors or
motherboards, for very short-sighted and illogical reasons.

> Can any one recommend a computer dealer who (a) will be knowledgable about
> what hardware works with Linux and (b) will have tech staff familiar with
> Linux in their repair shop.

Your best resource is the net, or the /usr/doc folder on your Linux
installation.  The HOWTO's contain most of the information you need to set
up, maintain and modify your OS.  There are several hardware related
HOWTO's, including hardware compatibility.  Besides learning how to set it
up yourself, you will not be depending on an individual or business if
something breaks on your system later on - and you can hang on to the
contents of your wallet.


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