> My bottom line on local vendors is, with the exception of Stan and 
> Computer Systems West, stay away!  You purchase from them, 
> you'll be getting high prices, lousy service, and a serious lack of 
> choice in components--

Don't like to badmouth, but.... make that the exception of Stan.
Nuff said.

Personally, I've found I'm getting better service via mail order than I am
locally.  Yes, it hurts local businesses to do that, but if the prices
are lower and the service better, why should I pay more for less?

I bought my USB ethernet adapter via Outpost.com.  Cost me $10 (25%) less
than anyone else in town who had it (a chain store), AND it was
overnighted to me for free.  If the price had nearly equal, I'd have
bought it locally... but the chain store isn't local either really... are


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